Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Day 90: Nothing Changes on New Year's Day
"So", you're probably wondering, "what kind of problems are we talking about here"? Well, there are several. I have mental issues going on that may or may not be ADD related. I also have gastro-intestinal issues that range from mild to not-so-mild. Overall they have been mild enough so that I've never truly pursued a solution, and thus they remain. I also have pretty lousy posture. Although these three things may seem completely unrelated, I think they may be connected. I've started seeing a chiropractor, who is going to help me with the posture issues (which will also hopefully indirectly help my bum knee, which he says is getting further stressed because of the way I hold my hips). He says that bad posture can in fact be a major cause of gastrointestinal issues such as what I have (constant gas, bloating, general abdominal discomfort, etc). Consequently (and pardon me if I butcher this - clearly this is an oversimplification), if you're having issues with your digestion, and thus your brain isn't getting all the nutrients it's supposed to be getting, you can eat the healthiest diet in the world and still have all kinds of trouble, mental health wise. Food sensitivities can also cause both the G-I issues and the mental issues, so that's yet another thing I'm exploring.
I saw a new doctor yesterday and gave him the run down of all this stuff to see if he could put anything together. He said that the first thing I should do is go on the "elimination diet" for a few months. So, just as soon as I get off the PCP diet, I have to immediately jump into something even MORE strict (no dairy. no wheat. no tomatoes or potatoes. no shellfish. NO COFFEE (although he said I could have green tea, thank God). Of course no fried or processed crap. and that's just off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more "nos" that I'm forgetting). It is with a certain amount of irony that I notice that several of the things I'm not supposed to eat on this diet are CORNERSTONES of the PCP (mainly milk, yogurt and cheese). So could it be that the PCP diet actually made me feel WORSE? Of course, I don't really know if I'm actually allergic to dairy. The idea is to eliminate all of these foods and then introduce them back into the diet one at a time and see when and where the problems re-appear (assuming that they went away in the first place). So...we'll see how it goes. I'm not super excited about the diet, but I am super excited about the possibility of feeling better, so I'm willing to give it a whirl.
As if all this weren't enough, I'm also going back to school. Just a few classes here and there, nothing major. I'm going to be taking one marketing class and one yoga class, and possibly something else. Today was my first day of both classes, and so far I like the yoga class a lot. It's far from ideal, in that there's about 30 people in a big-ass room and depending on where you are in the room, you may not even be able to see the teacher...but it's a start. I have the feeling that I'm going to continue on with it. Just today's beginner session, while it certainly wasn't anything I couldn't handle, did show me that while I'm fairly strong in some ways, if I added yoga to my repertoire, it could make me WAAAY stronger...and I like that.
So...have I arrived at the place I wanted to be when I first started the PCP journey? Well, unfortunately, no, I'm not. Am I in "Peak Condition"? Well, probably not. Obviously Peak Condition is a relative thing, but even so, I know I could still be in better shape and stronger than I am now, no question about it. However, like I said at the beginning of the post, this is not an end, this is a beginning. I think that the PCP was instrumental in helping me really clarify my desire to feel as good as possible, mentally and physically, as often as possible. While the PCP in and of itself did not allow me to achieve that goal, it definitely set me on the path that will, with any luck, get me there eventually.
Oh...and I'll upload some pics in the next few days. Need to charge the battery for the camera.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
To Gym or Not to Gym
Patrick's main beef with the gym, as far as I can tell, doesn't seem to be with the actual gym itself, but with the people who go to the gym. Honestly, I don't really understand what that has to do with anything. I mean, come on, Pat, there are lame people EVERYWHERE. If I decided not to go someplace just on the basis that there would be lame, unhealthy people there, I WOULD NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE. I mean, doesn't it make more sense to base one's opinion of a place on the place itself, rather than the caliber of the people who go there? Anyway - my point is, the gym is what you make of it, no more, no less. There are lots of weights and machines and thises and thats that you can use in any way you want. You can do an entire PCP routine at the gym, and more - or you can do a bunch of stupid exercises that will get you nowhere.
The thing I like about the gym is that by going there and leaving the house, it allows me to really set aside that part of the day for ME and for exercising. There are no distractions at the gym (or way fewer than at home, anyway). Everyone who is there is there for the same reason - to achieve or maintain fitness (whether or not you agree with their methodology). All the equipment you'll ever need and then some is laid out there right in front of you (I never have to search for my door anchor when I'm at the gym).
My current gym has many other advantages that you may or may not be able to find, depending on where you live - i.e. it's a little over a 5 minute walk from my house. It's VERY underused, so it's never crowded. It's not too big, but has pretty much everything I need. It's affordable ($38/mo, I think). Oh...and it's attached to a video store. For real. Before I joined, I would walk past the place thinking "that's gotta be the most bizarre combination of businesses - video store and gym". However, they have three locations in Portland, all with the same combo (both are owned by the same people), so it must be working for them! I'm not a big movie watcher at all, so I've never even set foot in the video side...but it's just funny. As we like to say, "Only in Portland!"
Today we drove up to Olympia, WA to visit my brother-in-law. He has had a massive struggle with drug addiction and mental illness over the last five years or so, and is finally, seemingly on the mend and in recovery. The downside is that the meds he's on for his mental health issues have caused him to gain massive amounts of weight. He's been a very fit guy the whole time I've known him, but since the last time we saw him, I think he's put on 50 pounds. It was a shock to see him that way. However, the meds are also making it possible for him to lead some semblance of a normal life, so there's a tradeoff. He is currently living in a halfway house where he has to be gone for most of the day (the idea is, of course, that he would be working during the day). However, due to his mental health issues, he literally can't work (he would get his supply of meds cut off if he did). So, he's basically forced to wander around Olympia all day with nothing to do and no money. The last time he talked to my wife, he bemoaned the fact that he had neither a skateboard or a guitar, either of which would allow him to spend his days at least doing SOMETHING. My wife told me this, and I said "I bet we could find a skateboard on craigslist for not much money". Sure enough, she found one for $50, and we bought it for him. When we gave it to him today, it was almost like he could hardly contain his excitement over it. It really struck me at that point how such a simple, inexpensive thing could make such a difference in someone's life. We had him skate around a parking lot for a few minutes to show our little boy "how it was done" (he had developed a great affection for the skateboard during the few days it was in our house - he called it a "bo-bo") - and he got winded just from a few minutes of skating.
I know that going forward he will spend a lot of his free time on the skateboard, which will allow him to lose weight, get in better shape, and probably improve his mental state.
I just realized how long this post was. If you're still reading, I sure hope you enjoyed it. ;-)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Back in action. Sort of.
I have an appointment with a chiropractor tomorrow, so hopefully he will be able to sort out whatever's going on in my shoulder and neck.
We've only got 10 days to go, and I can't help but feel like I'm limping to the finish line. Not exactly what I'd hoped for, but we do the best we can.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
If it's not one thing it's three others
Today is our "day off", so we went and had lunch at a Mexican place (fish tacos for me - I'll have to catch up on my veg intake later) and then took Asa to the nearest park, which happened to be Mt. Tabor (incidentally, one of the only dormant volcanos in the country). We had a nice time at the playground...but now I'm ready for a nap.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
A different point of view
All of this is made even more frustrating by how good I felt on Friday. For no apparent reason, I just woke up feeling really great, and the feeling lasted thoughout the whole day. I was happy, energetic, felt present and in the moment, and pretty much enjoyed whatever it was I did the whole day long. I thought "gee, this is how I, as a human, should feel more often. This should be my baseline". Unfortunately, even with the PCP, this feeling is the exception rather than the rule. I don't know what the deal is, but I don't like it.
Last night, I hooked up with a friend of mine who I haven't seen in almost 10 years. We had a really nasty falling out at that time, and I pretty much vowed that I would never speak to him again. However, time heals all wounds, or whatever, and I ended up discovering (through Facebook, of all things) that he was living in Portland, so I got a mind to consider reconnecting with him. After a few hesitant emails, we agreed to meet up, and we ended up hanging out for 3 hours, just like old times. It was great.
The main reason I bring it up here is that he spent 5 of the last 9 years in the military as an Intelligence operative. When I knew him 10 years ago, he was about 5'7", 120 lbs. A scrawny little shit. He told me that when he was in the military, at his heaviest, he got up to 185 lbs! He said "you would have never believed it, I was actually buff!" However, he also said that he was extremely depressed for most of the time that he was in the service, so in addition to gaining a lot of muscle, he also gained a lot of fat. He said that in the 4 years since he's been out, he hasn't exercised once. Says he hated it, and will be happy to never do another push up for the rest of his life. He has since shrunk down to closer to what I remembered him as 10 years ago (albeit a little bulkier). The point is that he had absolutely no interest in maintaining the muscle that he gained while in the Army.
Now, as someone who is actively trying to gain muscle, get stronger, and look better, this struck me as rather odd. I wonder how much of his experience with working out and being strong is inextricably tied to his experience of being in the Army, which was quite negative, for the most part. I am making the choice to become stronger and look better by working out, whereas he was sort of forced into it. It doesn't sound like he ever owned it, but rather always struggled against it. I guess it's all in how you frame it, isn't it?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tired and Sore
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Jump Rope Rant #472
Friday, September 4, 2009
Back to the Grind

Asa tromping down the beach.
Give me 15 minutes and a beach and something like this is likely to happen.
Cape Perpetua. My favorite place in the whole wide world.
Cape Perpetua, down on the rocks.
Me an' the boy @Cape Perpetua.

We were taking pictures of each other at the same time.
Even with the camera phone, my wife takes better pics than I do.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
On the jump rope tip, yesterday I had kind of an interesting experence. I put off jumping until the evening because I had too much stuff to do in the morning. As I trudged to the park with wife and kid in tow, I was totally dreading my jumps. I was tired, worn out and just did not want to do them. However, once I got going, I actually had the best jump rope sesh I've had in a long time. Sure, there were trips, but I knocked out 1800 jumps with the majority of the sets being in the 100-300 jump range. After I was done, I was definitley tired, but felt surprisingly good considering how I felt before starting!
Today I didn't have time (or food prepared) to pack a lunch, so I visited my favorite food market like I usually do. For some reason they had a "Southern Sunday Dinner" theme going, with fried chicken, buscuits, hush puppies, pork roast and collard greens. I decided to go with the least offensive option (which was still fairly offensive, on the PCP-meter, anyway), a slice of pork roast and some collards. Of course, the greens were done up "southern style" with bits of bacon and god knows what else. They felt greasy when I ate them, and now the whole meal is sitting like a goddamn lead anchor in my gut. I still have to do my jumps and workout for the day so hopefully that will make me feel a little less yucky.
Oh yeah, I posted some new pics. Look, ma, I have abs! Sort of. Furry abs. But at least we're getting there.
Friday, August 28, 2009
PCP Brekkie/general update.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Anniversary Indulgence, etc.

From L to R, they were serrano ham & manchego cheese croquette w/ smoked paprika aioli; sautéed octopus w/shaved celery, farga olives & piquillo pepper confit; chorizo & marinated figs; fried almonds w/ espollette pepper, sea salt & lemon wedge and chicken skewers w/moorish spices & sherry syrup.
All the dishes were pretty great, but I will give a play by play.
I really had no idea what to expect from a "serrano ham & manchego cheese croquette w/ smoked paprika aioli", but I was not expecting the intensity of this dish! I think that if the devil were incarnated in a foodstuff, he might become one of these delicious little balls of salt and fat. They were fried crisp on the outside (but not greasy) and had an incredible creamy, cheesy soft center, with tangy, salty, spicy aioli on top. Did I mention that these were SALTY?? But oh my god they were so good. My wife couldn't eat these because the crust was breaded and thus had gluten, so I was on my own, and I think they were my downfall. I only ate one, but that was more than enough!
The octopus was amazing - tender, meaty, perfectly spiced. The shaved celery added an interesting dimension, I actually thought it was fennel. Octopus is like the kobe beef of seafood.
It's pretty hard to screw up the pairing of fresh figs and salty cured meat, and thus the figs and chorizo were total winners as well.
The fried almonds were yummy, not too salty and perfectly spicy. Perhaps a touch on the oily side, but still damn delicious.
The chicken skewers, while still quite tasty, were maybe my least favorite dish. They were basically doused in Indian/African spices and roasted. Very good, but not as good as the octopus or that devilish croquette.
It had been so long since I'd had food this mouth wateringly good, I definitely ate too much. I couldn't stop munching on the almonds. After we finished eating, I sat back and thought "well, I feel like I ate too much, but apart from that, I feel fine". UNTIL...about 1/2 hour later, after my wife had left to get some work done and I had put the kid to bed...when I was sticken with the worst gas pains I've ever had in my life! They were so bad I literally passed out for a second and ended up on the bathroom floor, somehow managing to split my bottom lip in the process! Fun and exciting! It was seriously the weirdest thing. My wife is convinced that it was actually a gall bladder attack. I have no idea, but after it passed, I felt OK for the rest of the evening (apart from my lip, that is!).
However, it's DEFNITELY not a scenario I wish to reproduce, so I shall be taking it VERY easy on the fried-salty-cheesy-hammy items from now on!
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Cross Blogging
So, anyway, yesterday sucked ass in a myriad of different ways, which I'm STILL not going to get into. Today was better, but still iffy. I got most of the things done that I needed to do, the glaring exception being the majority of my PCP workout. I got up too late and only had time to do my jumps in the morning before I had to go in to work. Then this evening we staged a 3000 square foot house (loaded furniture on to truck. Drove to house. Unloaded furniture into house, up a minimum of one long flight of stairs. Moved furniture around house), after which I was pretty much completely spent. No juice left.
Tomorrow, for real, I'm going to get up when I wake up and head straight to the park.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Back in action
More tomorrow...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
PCP Vacation
The next day started out alright, I went to the park close to the house to do my jumps (had to jump on concrete – not much fun), then back to the house for a proper breakfast. Unfortunately it was pretty much all downhill from there. I managed to get about half of the day’s exercises in before the running around commenced. Snacks didn’t happen, and once again I was with a friend around dinnertime and we ended up getting Thai food. I had duck curry, and I have to admit it was one of the more satisfying meals I’ve had in a long time! Saturday was all about packing the truck, and at that point I had started running out of some of the necessary food items, and once again resorted to restaurant food – Mr. Gyros (best Gyro in Seattle)! Drove back to Portland on Saturday evening, got home a little after 10pm. My wife had made curried rice noodles with pork, which at that point I was in no position to argue with, so I ate some of that.
Today was unloading the truck day (and the first day at work for my new assistant), so things were just crazy. I ate half a lunch at home then jetted off to work, picking up some veggies and meat at my beloved Sheridan Fruit Market. Later in the afternoon I was feeling super tired, and cursed that all the coffee shops close to the store were already closed. Then I happened to look in my bag and realized that I never ate the rest of my lunch! Maybe THAT’S why I was so tired! I scarfed it down, and whaddya know, my energy returned post-haste. What with one thing and another, today ended up being another day of jumps but no exercises. Tomorrow I will get back on track, for real, as right now I'm too tired to even THINK about exercise.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Seattle bound - on a train.
This morning I actually got out of bed early, drank about half a glass of smoothie (left over from last night’s nighttime snack) and hit the park for my jumps and pull-ups. Once again, my jumps were total crap! Not as bad as yesterday, but considering the fact that I was in a decent frame of mind, wasn’t feeling rushed, was basically alone on a cool morning at the park, I just don’t get it. One the plus side, I rocked the pull-ups pretty well. I did one set of 10, then one set of 8, then did my jumps, then went back and completed a set of 9 and then 7. So, not all in a row, but hey, I did a set of 10 pull-ups! Just that in and of itself would have seemed impossible to me just a month ago. When I got to the park (around 7:15 am) there was an impromptu aerobics/training class going on under the pavilion, which was kind of bizarre. 3 women and a trainer doing their exercise thing to the tuneful accompaniment of Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a Prayer” and Metallica’s “Enter Sandman”. Which begs the question, why do all exercise routines or music played by personal trainers to “pump you up” have to be absolutely horrible? I mean, really, people, there’s GOOD music out there that energizes and inspires. Anyway.
Getting my PCP on in the next few days is definitely going to be a challenge, what with all the work I have to do (and friends I want to see – I have the feeling that at least one alcoholic beverage has the potential to be consumed – no beer, though!). However, I will do my best to keep it on the straight and narrow. I have all my accoutrements with me (rope, resistance band, door anchor), and there’s a park pretty close to the Seattle house, so I’m not really all that worried, but still it might be a challenge to fit everything in. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I interviewed 4 people for my assistant position today. I really don't like interviewing people.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Confession time
Get the picture? I mean, I own a furniture store, fer Chrissakes, you'd think I'd be able to come up with SOMETHING? Even at the gym, the only thing I could fingure to use was a moveable pull-up bar, but it spins around when you lean on it! So...any suggestions?
Apart from my workout (the rest of which I did), my day was entirely consumed with people handing me resumes. I had probably 50 people drop them off today in person, and got another 80 or so via email. All this for a $10/hr, 20-hr/wk position!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Bad PCP Day.
Lunch was not particularly PCP-friendly either. I was out running around with my boy and decided to stop for lunch at my favorite market with the best hot-food case in the city. Unfortunately their weekend selection is not nearly as good as the weekday, and the best I could do was a shrimp quesadilla (which, in addition to shrimp and cheese, featured cherry tomatoes, rice and avocado). My intention was to share it with Asa, but he only ate a little bit, and was much more interested in the pint of blueberries I bought for him.
Evening came and went and exercises did not happen. It seems like if I cross the 9pm threshhold, the exercises just aren't gonna happen. Tomorrow I think I'm gonna try the whole roll-out-of-bed-with-a-jumprope-in-hand thing, see how that feels.
In other swell news, my fabulous assistant gave his notice today. I can't say as I blame him, as he got offered a full time job at Nordstrom making 50% more than I can afford to pay him. However, I'm more than a little bummed. So we have the stress of finding a new employee added on to the stress of possibly moving, and we're shaping up for an interesting month.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Gratuitous photos of fruit...and RATATOUILLE!

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Life Gets In the Way (again)
Consequently, the last few days have largely been spent trolling Craigslist looking for places, and going and looking at houses. I'm kind of a house junkie, so I actually enjoy the process, but it still takes a significant amount of time...that usually I would spend at least some of exercising. However, in the last 2 days, I've only been able to do my jumpropes, and nothing else! At least I got those in, but I REALLY don't feel good about missing 2 days in a row. I'm going to get up early tomorrow and make sure to get the whole circuit in before 10AM.
Pistol squats are motherfuckers. No other word for it. It's not even so much the exercise that's hard for me (which, gon't get me wrong, is hard as hell), it's more the balance. My balance totally sucks - I can hardly do lunges without falling over. So these are practically impossible. It would help if I had a table or something that was the right height - something in between the height of a chair seat and a sofa arm! I'll probably just go to the gym tomorrow and find something there and trrryy again...
My jumps have been pretty good for the last few days, but today they SUCKED. I haven't thrown the rope for a long time, but today I flung it mightily after tripping after less than 10 jumps like 7 times in a row. I mean, COME ON. I don't know if it was because my head was preoccupied with moving stuff, or because I was wearing a different pair of shoes than I normally do, or WHAT, but it was a mess. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Much more to talk about, but I should have been in bed an hour ago, so it will have to wait til tomorrow.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Causing a Spectacle
In lieu of floor jumps, Patrick told me to do jumps out of a squat, which seem to be working OK. They also have the added benefit of being EXTREMELY amusing to my boy. Seriously, last time I did them in front of him I thought he was going to fall out of his chair from laughing so hard. My mom thinks he is a reincarnated Bhuddist monk because of how much he laughs. There are worse things.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Yesterday I realized that I'm going to have to go to the gym to do chest dips - which isn't that big of a deal, but a minor pain. See, my wrist will NOT bend back the way it would need to in order for me to do them with 2 chairs. I'm also quite worried about floor jumps - I have a bad right knee, and I just know that doing those would be a really bad idea. I can just see doing a bunch of them just fine, then the one time I land a little funny, my knee goes out, and I'm limping for a week. Wouldn't want that. I'm still waiting to head back from Patrick about what I can do instead (please no more lunges!!).
Diet is going pretty well overall...although today I came to the realization about exactly HOW MUCH yogurt I'm supposed to be eating this week. It's a good thing I like yogurt, because, man, 380 ml a day is a lot of yogurt! It's mainly a planning issue more than anything else. I just need to get a big tub of it to keep at work so I'm not constantly ferrying little plastic containers back and forth.
And...oh yeah...100 leg-ups is a lot of leg-ups!! Just sayin'.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The 9th Ring of Dante's Hell...er...Portand, OR.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Talk me down!!

Friday, July 24, 2009
They say the darkest hour is just before the dawn...
On another note, my Mom sent me this great article yesterday on the Dalai Lama and his perspective on happiness. Highly recommended.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
What day is it again?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
As usual, once I got out and moving, my mood improved slightly. I took Asa to the park and did my jumpropes (thankfully right before the sun started beating down on my special jump rope spot). 1000 jumps felt easy today. Not like they were super smooth or anything, but I wasn't particularly worn out after I was done (which is odd, because after yesterday's 900, my calves were super sore). Go figure. Yesterday was another "I'll do the exercises later in the day" day, and then 10pm rolled around and I was too tired, go figure. However, I happily noted that that I only had to do 1000 jumps today, so I'd just roll yesterday's exercises over to today. Not a bad plan, except that things being what they are, I ended up in the company of the kiddo while trying to do my exercises. He thought my lunges were HILAROUS, and kept trying to grab the resistance band while I did shoulder raises. Overall, I got everything done, but I'm sure I spent over 1 minute in between exercises trying to distract him with something or other.
Currently the kid is sitting on the couch watching "Bob the Builder" while I'm listening to "Everest" by Arcwelder - good workout music. Kind of a strange combination - but thankfully he doesn't seem to mind.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
PCP vs. Life
This morning was another son-daddy date at the park - except that unbeknownst to me, there was a big hootenanny happening at the park today, involving food vendors, a swing band, and lots and LOTS of kids and parents. I got through 450 jumps before Asa got completely distracted by the musicians warming up (just like mama & papa, he LOOOOVVES music, which makes me very happy)...so I took him over to watch for a little while. So...it's almost 4pm and I still have another 450 jumps plus all the other exercises (including a second try at pull-ups - this morning at the park I managed one set of 5, then 3, then 2). However, I am planning on hitting the gym on the way home, so I WILL get everything else done today.
The wife and I had a long "discussion" this morning about my PCP activities and how they make life more difficult for everyone else. Not that she's trying to get me to quit the project or anything like that, just expressing frustration that sometimes she doesn't get to do all the things that SHE needs/wants to do, because I'm so busy exercising, jumping rope, preparing meals, weighing food, etc etc., not to mention all the other stuff that I need to do for my business. We sat down to try to figure out a schedule so that we could both get everything done that we needed to do (she's been complaining that she hasn't had time to go to the gym or do the banking, etc), but all she wanted to do was complain about the problems that we were trying to solve by sitting down and talking. I had the leave to go open the store, so it was a rather frustrating moment. To her credit, later she did create a Google calendar that has all of her stuff on it, so hopefully that will solve (or help solve) the problem.
The main thing I seem to be having trouble with is getting all the exercises in. I seem to be able to get the jumps in, because I make it a priority to get those done in the morning (and it helps that I can do them at the park while Asa is playing), but the exercises seem to fall by the wayside. The solution, obviously, is to get up earlier, but I have been having a really hard time with that as well. Our little human alarm clock decided that 6:30 would be a good time to wake up this morning, and I was SERIOUSLY dragging my ass until I actually got out the door on the way to the park. Sluggish, tired in mind and body, and just kind of miserable. Thankfully, I felt a lot better once I started jumping rope.
Oh, yeah, and I finally broke the 100 mark on my jumps! I should make a whole separate post on that! 139 jumps in a row, right out of the gate! Didn't come anywhere near repeating it in the rest of the 450, but hey, that felt really good. So, I guess the moral of the story is - DRAG YR ASS OUT OF BED, no matter what you feel like, eat some food, start exercising.
Friday, July 17, 2009
On and Off the Wagon
Then, after the party, we decided to go to Savoy, this charming little pub owned by a friend of ours. Needless to say, things went downhill here. Not horribly so (half a cocktail, a few french fries and an olive salad plate, which I have to say, was absolutely divine and I don't regret for one second), but certainly not on the program. We got home at about 11pm, and I briefly contemplated finishing up my exercises, let's just say that I did not.
However, today I am definitely back on top of things. I went to the park again to do my jumps (and, conveniently enough, there's a pull up bar installed there as well), which went fairly well. I think I might have actually gotten the elusive set of 100 under my belt, but ironically, I couldn't remember what number my set began at, so I don't know for sure. However, it was a good set, and that's really all that counts. I did my other exercises before hand at the house, jumps and pull ups at the park (1 set of 4, 2 "sets" of 2, not horrible for my first time, I think), rode to work (with a pit stop at a great warehouse clothing sale where I scored some great cheap new duds in my new size 30), now at work eating my lunch which was mainly procured from the venerable Sheridan Fruit Market (a piece of salmon and a rice & sweet potato cake with some string beans and sugar snap peas I brought from home).
I will confess that I've had a hard time getting those egg whites in with my mid day fruit snacks. it's just one extra step of preparation in the morning, and I'm not in the habit yet. Today, however, I cooked up my 2 egg whites and put 'em in a little to go container, and I'm good to go.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My new Vita Mix blender...and more J-rope angst.

I also scored one of these lamps for $22 at the same store, so it was a good morning! ;-)
However, my J-ropes totally SUCKED today. I mean, I think this was my worst set ever. The best run I had out of the whole 800 was 39 jumps. 30-FREAKIN'-NINE. I mean, COME ON. That's pathetic! I think the average number of jumps I did before tripping today was probably somewhere between 10-15 - no joke. And there were MANY times that I didn't even make it through 5 jumps! 1,2, trip. 1,2,3, trip. 1,2, trip. 1,2,3,4, trip.
The thing that's weird is that I don't feel like there's anything especially wrong with my form. The jumps that I DO get right are super smooth and feel really good. It's just that I can't get enough of them in a row! I swear there's some mental component to it. Invariably, if I get on a good run (which for me is 30-40 jumps), I start to think something like "hey, maybe I've got it, maybe I can do 100 jumps this time!", and INVARIABLY I trip like 5 seconds after those thoughts roll through my mind. I've been trying to figure out how to not think those thoughts and just keep my mind on the number that I'm currently on and not get ahead of myself, but that doesn't seem to help much either. The exercise itself isn't even that hard - it's just so damn FRUSTRATING!!
On a happier note, seeing that we were going to start doing real pull-ups, and never actually having done one in my life before, I decided to give it a try - and I was able to do one, no problem! I doubt I would have been able to do too many, and I decided not to push it (the time will come soon enough), but it felt good to be able to even do just one. Small victories, right?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
...and on the 12th day, there was a gimped knee.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
On the exercise side, after an obnoxiously stressful morning, my knee decided to go out on me on jump #544. It wasn't horrible, but it was enough that I bagged the rest of the jumps as well as the lunges. It's feeling pretty much OK now, so hopefully I will be able to resume as normal tomorrow. Other than that, the workouts are going fine for me, although my thighs are ALWAYS SORE.
I'm actually kind of enjoying the diet as well. It's not too far off from how I usually eat, for the most part - but it's just forcing me to plan all my food for the day, which means that I actually have ENOUGH food and don't go hungry in the middle of the afternoon, which used to happen all the time. I'm also enjoying preparing off-the-cuff recipes (as you can probably tell from my last two blog posts). The food that we're eating does not have to be boring OR bland, and you don't need to slave in the kitchen for hours to prepare a delicious meal.
On that note, it is bedtime for me. Guten nacht.
Friday, July 10, 2009
...and on the tenth day they ate Baked Pesto Parmesan Chicken.

I pulled this dish out of my brain tonight, and it was quite delish, and dead simple to make.
2 chicken breasts
1/4 cup pesto
2 cloves of garlic, chopped fine
4 or 5 good olives chopped fine
a good handful of grated parmesan cheese
1 heirloom tomato, sliced (optional)
Preheat oven to 350. Remove skin from breasts if not already removed. Sear both breasts in a hot pan until nice and brown. Mix up your pesto, garlic & olives, and spread it all over the chicken breasts. Sprinkle the parm all over the chicken breasts. Stick in the oven for about an hour. In the last couple of minutes of cooking, put the chicken under the broiler. This will turn the parm into a nice golden crust...et voila!
I ate my requisite 140g of chicken with a nice fresh sliced heirloom tomato...which was great if you're into that sort of thing.
In other news...I really need to start getting up earlier. If I don't, my workout usually ends up getting pushed to the end of the day, and as previously discussed, I really don't like working out at night. Today I was able to get a daytime workout in because our little friend was in preschool all morning. However, because I didn't get up early, my workout ended up cutting into my work day, and I ended up not getting a whole hell of a lot accomplished today. So, tomorrow it's the alarm clock for me.
Take 2 chicken breasts (I bought plain split breasts instead of boneless/skinless, they were half the price), remove skin. Sear breasts in a hot pan on all sides (obviously not the bony side if you're not using boneless). Take about 1/4 cup of pesto, mix in 2
Thursday, July 9, 2009
...number nine...number nine...number nine...
Because of my rushed morning, I was only able to take my fruit snacks and 200g of veggies (raw string beans again) with me to work, and had to rely on my beloved Sheridan Fruit Market for the rest. The Sheridan Fruit Market is this fantastic little spot about a mile from my store that has the best hot/cold lunch deli case in the entire city. Best as in delicious, high quality, imaginitave food for ridiculously cheap. We're talking broiled salmon with lemon & dill for $6.50/lb, or grilled flank steak with kumquats also for $6.50/lb (just a few examples of delicacies I've enjoyed there in the past). Today, my assistant ended up going and called me with the day's choices when he got there. I ended up with two grilled shrimp skewers and 1/2lb of coconut rice with squash and pineapple. Both were good, but the shrimp skewers were notable in that they had something OTHER than shrimp on them. Each skewer had 3 good sized shrimp, and a piece of some mystery substance on either end. I tasted the mystery substance and literally could not for the life of me figure out what it was. I gave a piece to Matt (my assistant), who said "I hope it's not chicken!" (he's vegetarian). It wasn't chicken. After much deliberation, we both came to the conclusion that it was, in fact, cheese. Grilled cheese on a stick with shrimp. Ummmm...WTF?? I mean, it was tasty and all (if overly salty), but wow, talk about unexpected!
Because of the crazy day we had at the shop, I didn't eat lunch until aboput 3pm, by which point I had already eaten all my string beans as well as my morning and afternoon fruit snacks. However, I was hungry for dinner (a repeat of last night's pot roast) around 7, which I found kind of surprising. It's now 11:15 - I shall have my evening fruit and milk and hit the sack. Night, all.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
...food coma...
I can't believe I ate the whole thing!

On the right we have my 180g of veg scrambled with 1 egg and about 30-40g of cheese (mixed, Gruyere and Parm). Somehow I ate it all. I was full, but not overly full. I was able to do my exercises about 15-20 min after eating all this. I forgot about the milk until later, but I did get that down as well.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Holy CRAP, that's a lot of food!!

Monday, July 6, 2009
Day six.
I don't like jumping rope at night. It's harder for me to focus, and overall the exercise just seems more difficult. If I do it in the morning, I'm fresh, have more energy, and in general have a better time of it. However, as today illustrated, circumstances do not always allow for that. So, 10pm, I walked to the gym (it was a nice night for a walk) and slogged through my 350 jumps. It was not easy. I think I literally have welts on my wrist from being punished by my rope for tripping. I actually threw the thing across the room once or twice after 3 times of not making it through 5 jumps. Grrrr....
I'm still trying to decide if it's better to jump faster or slower. I've been trying to get into a fast rhythm, but tonight I seemed to do better when I slowed down a bit. Any suggestions? Also, I think all the jumping is starting to hurt my back a little bit. Hopefully that will pass.
Tomorrow we're going to a u-pick farm on Sauvie Island to pick raspberries and in general stock up on fresh fruits & veg! I'm stoked about that. It will be Asa's first u-pick experience, and judging from the enthusiasm with which he gobbles up the respberries in our back yard, I'm sure he'll have a ball.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I'm Melting!!!
At any rate. I wasn't able to get my workout in in the morning yesterday, so I had to do it in the evening - fine, but that meant that when I went to work out THIS morning, I was a little more sore than usual. I took my son to the park this morning, and took the jump rope with me. Unfortunately the cushy asphalt part of the playground was in full, blaring direct sunlight, so that was not an option. I tried jumping rope on the grass in the shade, but the rope kept getting caught up in the grass and whacking me on the back of the head. After trying for a few minutes with the same results, I gave up and ended up going back to the gym. I'm really glad I have that gym membership, otherwise I really have no idea where I'd jump rope! I got through the rest of the workout just fine, although the extra set of push ups were not quite as successful as I would have liked. I did 3 sets of 8, but on the 4th set my arms said "nuh-uh" on #6. However, I AM doing "real" pushups, not on the knees, so I guess that's OK.
In other happy news, I got on the scale this morning, and it read 158 (I was 162 at the beginning of the project)! I don't really care how much I weigh - like Patrick said in today's email, it's all about how you look and how you feel, the number is arbitrary - but at the same time, it feels good to have lost a few pounds already!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I fear that I may turn into a Rainier cherry.