Friday, July 17, 2009

On and Off the Wagon

Yesterday started out pretty good - I took the boy to the park early-ish in the morning, took my rope, and was able to knock out my 800 jumps at the park on the squidgy asphalt stuff. It was nice doing the jumps outside, and I actually had a more consistent run. Still no sets of 100, but I was doing sets of 30, 40, and 50 the whole time. I didn't have time to do the rest of my exercises in the morning, so I figured I'd do them in the evening. Then I remembered that my wife and I had a date set up for that evening, and she was going to pick me up directly from the store. So, I thought, maybe I can do some exercises at the store. Didn't happen. Date night was very good, though - we went to a free concert in front of Portland City Hall put on by PDX Pop Now (a local organization that exists to promote local music), then went to a soiree at this fancy loft condo that I helped to decorate that's part of the Street of Dreams tour. Up until that point, things hadn't taken a major turn downhill PCP-wise - we had gotten some food at Whole Foods, and while it was an un-sanctioned meat (pork), it was still pretty much meat, carbs and veg.

Then, after the party, we decided to go to Savoy, this charming little pub owned by a friend of ours. Needless to say, things went downhill here. Not horribly so (half a cocktail, a few french fries and an olive salad plate, which I have to say, was absolutely divine and I don't regret for one second), but certainly not on the program. We got home at about 11pm, and I briefly contemplated finishing up my exercises, let's just say that I did not.

However, today I am definitely back on top of things. I went to the park again to do my jumps (and, conveniently enough, there's a pull up bar installed there as well), which went fairly well. I think I might have actually gotten the elusive set of 100 under my belt, but ironically, I couldn't remember what number my set began at, so I don't know for sure. However, it was a good set, and that's really all that counts. I did my other exercises before hand at the house, jumps and pull ups at the park (1 set of 4, 2 "sets" of 2, not horrible for my first time, I think), rode to work (with a pit stop at a great warehouse clothing sale where I scored some great cheap new duds in my new size 30), now at work eating my lunch which was mainly procured from the venerable Sheridan Fruit Market (a piece of salmon and a rice & sweet potato cake with some string beans and sugar snap peas I brought from home).

I will confess that I've had a hard time getting those egg whites in with my mid day fruit snacks. it's just one extra step of preparation in the morning, and I'm not in the habit yet. Today, however, I cooked up my 2 egg whites and put 'em in a little to go container, and I'm good to go.


  1. I have a feeling my downfall is coming soon. I'm saying "no thank you" a lot of times (hello! it's summer! it's a freakin' par-TAH! BBQs, al fresco dining, festivals, camping) and after two weeks my body like Um dude? This was fun and all, but can we, like, go get some ice cream and sit on Pearl Street Mall please?

    fight the good fight!

  2. This is a dangerous time everyone, don't give in to these cravings, or you'll set up a feedback loop that says it's ok to indulge if you've tried not to for a few days.

    Every time you say no to an unhelpful food you're taking a chunk out of your old habit and putting a brick on your new one.

    Be strong. Watch out for that pork man!
