Saturday, July 4, 2009

I'm Melting!!!

Let's just get this out of the way: I hate hot weather. Hate it, hate it, hate it. For the last 15 some-odd years, I'd been living either in Bellingham or Seattle, WA, both places that may have some of the coolest summers in the country. Then we had to go move 3 hours south to Portland, OR...and while I literally love everything else about PDX, one thing I do NOT love is the fact that in the summer, it's regularly a good 10 degrees warmer here than in Seattle. I was talking to my best friend yesterday (who lives in Seattle), he said "how are you", I said "hot". He said "yeah, it's pretty hot here too. It's got to be at least 80". At which point I wanted to reach through the non-existent phone wire and strangle him, because I was sitting in my non-air-conditioned shop with the thermometer registering a not-so-cool 92 degrees. Now, for practically everywhere else in the country, this is par for the course, but what can I say, I'm spoiled.
At any rate. I wasn't able to get my workout in in the morning yesterday, so I had to do it in the evening - fine, but that meant that when I went to work out THIS morning, I was a little more sore than usual. I took my son to the park this morning, and took the jump rope with me. Unfortunately the cushy asphalt part of the playground was in full, blaring direct sunlight, so that was not an option. I tried jumping rope on the grass in the shade, but the rope kept getting caught up in the grass and whacking me on the back of the head. After trying for a few minutes with the same results, I gave up and ended up going back to the gym. I'm really glad I have that gym membership, otherwise I really have no idea where I'd jump rope! I got through the rest of the workout just fine, although the extra set of push ups were not quite as successful as I would have liked. I did 3 sets of 8, but on the 4th set my arms said "nuh-uh" on #6. However, I AM doing "real" pushups, not on the knees, so I guess that's OK.
In other happy news, I got on the scale this morning, and it read 158 (I was 162 at the beginning of the project)! I don't really care how much I weigh - like Patrick said in today's email, it's all about how you look and how you feel, the number is arbitrary - but at the same time, it feels good to have lost a few pounds already!

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