Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The 9th Ring of Dante's Hell...er...Portand, OR.

It was 106 degrees today. A HUNDRED AND SIX DEGREES, PEOPLE. It's going to be 105 tomorrow. Or maybe 107, who can say. Mind you, this is Portland, OR, we're talking about here, not, say, Palm Springs...or Phoenix...or the middle of the Sahara Desert. A place much better known for its evergreens and rainy-ass winters, not so much for its scorching summer heat. But today the weather didn't read that book. Needless to say I went to the gym today to do my jumps. I like the park so much better, but even at 9am it was pushing 90...and I don't hate the gym THAT much. I'm sure I'll be doing the same tomorrow. Thank GOD our house has A/C. My store, however, does not...but thankfully I don't have to go in tomorrow. By Thursday, when I have to go in, the temp is supposed to drop to a balmy 100 degrees, so I should be fine. ;-)

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