Friday, July 31, 2009

After 2 days of temperatures above 105 and one day of almost 100, the weather is finally starting to calm down a little bit, thank god. It's only supposed to be 88 today! That's still about 15 degrees warmer than my ideal temperature, but it's 20 degrees cooler than it was 2 days ago (broke all kinds of records), so I'm not complaining. This morning was actually very pleasant and cool (say 65 or so), and I rocked my jumps. Broke a personal record in 2 ways - I did 22o in a row, and in my 1300 jumps I had a total of 3 sets of over 100! Yay! Intermittently there were still sets where I didn't get through 10 without tripping, but overall it felt good.
Yesterday I realized that I'm going to have to go to the gym to do chest dips - which isn't that big of a deal, but a minor pain. See, my wrist will NOT bend back the way it would need to in order for me to do them with 2 chairs. I'm also quite worried about floor jumps - I have a bad right knee, and I just know that doing those would be a really bad idea. I can just see doing a bunch of them just fine, then the one time I land a little funny, my knee goes out, and I'm limping for a week. Wouldn't want that. I'm still waiting to head back from Patrick about what I can do instead (please no more lunges!!).
Diet is going pretty well overall...although today I came to the realization about exactly HOW MUCH yogurt I'm supposed to be eating this week. It's a good thing I like yogurt, because, man, 380 ml a day is a lot of yogurt! It's mainly a planning issue more than anything else. I just need to get a big tub of it to keep at work so I'm not constantly ferrying little plastic containers back and forth.
And...oh yeah...100 leg-ups is a lot of leg-ups!! Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. Leg ups are fun! You should be begging for more! Just wait till Kung Fu Sit-ups, then you can complain.
