Friday, July 24, 2009

They say the darkest hour is just before the dawn...

I was riding my bike home from the store yesterday and for no apparent reason the song "Meet Me in the Morning" by Bob Dylan made an appearance in my brain. I sort of hummed it to myself midlessly for a few minutes, then realized the import of what I was actually singing - "They say the darkest hour is just before the dawn". Kind of a cliche, I guess, but just noticing it and drawing the connection between that random lyric and my life as it is right now was pretty powerful. The last few years have been nothing but struggle for me and my family. It's just been one thing after the other after the other. We're at a point right now where we can sort of faintly see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it's still not a given that we'll actually get there. Of course, I believe (as one has to in order to keep going) that we'll get there. However, as one roadblock gets lifted, it seems that another comes down 50 yards ahead of that one. So, today, I'm going to thank ol' Bobby Dylan for the wisdom that carried me through another day. I'm going to keep that quote in the back of my mind and pull it out whenever things just seem hopeless or overwhelming or whatever. Your past is not your future.

On another note, my Mom sent me this great article yesterday on the Dalai Lama and his perspective on happiness. Highly recommended.

1 comment:

  1. You'll also have some dark days on the PCP. Keep your head down and keep moving, you'll get out of those valleys soon.
