Sunday, July 19, 2009

PCP vs. Life

I have a feeling that this is the time in most people's PCP where the novelty starts to wear off, and thoughts like "oh, God, another 800 (or 900 or whatever) jumps? Another 1/2 hour of exercises? Another 1/2 hour of weighing out my portions? Can't I just eat a fucking sandwich? (I know I could eat a sandwich, but weighing it all out just seems to take the fun out of it)" start to pop up with more frequency. Yesterday once again started out fairly well with my jumps done in the morning at the park. Due to time constraints I once again had to put off the exercises until later in the day, then found that I barely had the energy to drag myself from the easy chair to the bed, let alone do push ups and sit ups and davincis and whatever else.

This morning was another son-daddy date at the park - except that unbeknownst to me, there was a big hootenanny happening at the park today, involving food vendors, a swing band, and lots and LOTS of kids and parents. I got through 450 jumps before Asa got completely distracted by the musicians warming up (just like mama & papa, he LOOOOVVES music, which makes me very happy) I took him over to watch for a little while.'s almost 4pm and I still have another 450 jumps plus all the other exercises (including a second try at pull-ups - this morning at the park I managed one set of 5, then 3, then 2). However, I am planning on hitting the gym on the way home, so I WILL get everything else done today.

The wife and I had a long "discussion" this morning about my PCP activities and how they make life more difficult for everyone else. Not that she's trying to get me to quit the project or anything like that, just expressing frustration that sometimes she doesn't get to do all the things that SHE needs/wants to do, because I'm so busy exercising, jumping rope, preparing meals, weighing food, etc etc., not to mention all the other stuff that I need to do for my business. We sat down to try to figure out a schedule so that we could both get everything done that we needed to do (she's been complaining that she hasn't had time to go to the gym or do the banking, etc), but all she wanted to do was complain about the problems that we were trying to solve by sitting down and talking. I had the leave to go open the store, so it was a rather frustrating moment. To her credit, later she did create a Google calendar that has all of her stuff on it, so hopefully that will solve (or help solve) the problem.

The main thing I seem to be having trouble with is getting all the exercises in. I seem to be able to get the jumps in, because I make it a priority to get those done in the morning (and it helps that I can do them at the park while Asa is playing), but the exercises seem to fall by the wayside. The solution, obviously, is to get up earlier, but I have been having a really hard time with that as well. Our little human alarm clock decided that 6:30 would be a good time to wake up this morning, and I was SERIOUSLY dragging my ass until I actually got out the door on the way to the park. Sluggish, tired in mind and body, and just kind of miserable. Thankfully, I felt a lot better once I started jumping rope.

Oh, yeah, and I finally broke the 100 mark on my jumps! I should make a whole separate post on that! 139 jumps in a row, right out of the gate! Didn't come anywhere near repeating it in the rest of the 450, but hey, that felt really good. So, I guess the moral of the story is - DRAG YR ASS OUT OF BED, no matter what you feel like, eat some food, start exercising. . So many things to work on/work out.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, doing the PCP is kind of like inviting a rude houseguest into your life for 90 days. But this houseguest will give back too!
