Thursday, July 9, 2009

...number nine...number nine...number nine...

Just got back from another late night workout. Have I mentioned that I REALLY don't like late night workouts? However, today was another one of those wacky days where there was just no time to get it in anywhere else in the day. My wife had an acupuncture appointment at 8:30 AM, and my thought was that I would get up early and go to the gym before she had to leave...but let's just say that didn't happen. The rest of the day was one hectic mess after another, which I won't elaborate on - but long story short, I didn't get to the gym til 10pm. Stumbled through my jumps 20 or so at a time, cursing the whole way, grunted through all 128 lunges (16x4 on each side), etc etc. I tried to get the door anchor thing to work at home but was having issues, and thought, "hey, I have a gym membership, I can just do these exercises there". So I did the chest press at 80 lbs (3x12) and the row at 160 lbs (also 3x12). Heavy enough that I barely made it through all the reps, but light enough that I DID make it through. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do the tricep dip because of my wrist (it doesn't like to bend back that way) but it ended up being OK. It took a few times to get the hang of the motion, but by the last set I think I got it down.
Because of my rushed morning, I was only able to take my fruit snacks and 200g of veggies (raw string beans again) with me to work, and had to rely on my beloved Sheridan Fruit Market for the rest. The Sheridan Fruit Market is this fantastic little spot about a mile from my store that has the best hot/cold lunch deli case in the entire city. Best as in delicious, high quality, imaginitave food for ridiculously cheap. We're talking broiled salmon with lemon & dill for $6.50/lb, or grilled flank steak with kumquats also for $6.50/lb (just a few examples of delicacies I've enjoyed there in the past). Today, my assistant ended up going and called me with the day's choices when he got there. I ended up with two grilled shrimp skewers and 1/2lb of coconut rice with squash and pineapple. Both were good, but the shrimp skewers were notable in that they had something OTHER than shrimp on them. Each skewer had 3 good sized shrimp, and a piece of some mystery substance on either end. I tasted the mystery substance and literally could not for the life of me figure out what it was. I gave a piece to Matt (my assistant), who said "I hope it's not chicken!" (he's vegetarian). It wasn't chicken. After much deliberation, we both came to the conclusion that it was, in fact, cheese. Grilled cheese on a stick with shrimp. Ummmm...WTF?? I mean, it was tasty and all (if overly salty), but wow, talk about unexpected!
Because of the crazy day we had at the shop, I didn't eat lunch until aboput 3pm, by which point I had already eaten all my string beans as well as my morning and afternoon fruit snacks. However, I was hungry for dinner (a repeat of last night's pot roast) around 7, which I found kind of surprising. It's now 11:15 - I shall have my evening fruit and milk and hit the sack. Night, all.


  1. I'm looking forward to that pot roast being out of the picture.

  2. Haha...I think my wife finished it off tonight. It's chicken and fish from now on.
