Saturday, July 11, 2009

I made another bomb-ass meat protein dinner dish tonight. Trader Joes' has some pretty nice looking frozed tuna steaks for pretty cheap ($5.99/lb, I think?), so I bought a few of those the other day. I marinated them in some lime juice soy sauce and a little sesame oil, then coated the steaks in sesame seeds. Fried in a pan with a little cooking spray so that the outside is seared and the inside still raw, like sashimi. Then squeezed a little more lime juice over the top when done. The fish would have benefited from marinating longer (I only left it in there for 15-20 min) but even so it was really good. I paired that with some apple-walnut kale from our favorite cookbook and some fresh corn on the cob. I realized that you have to eat 2-3 pieces of corn on the cob to get your 150g of carbs! Tried to get the kid to eat some corn on the cob. He didn't quite get the concept of eating it off the cob, so I cut off some kernels for him, which he was much more interested in playing with them than actually eating. Sigh.

On the exercise side, after an obnoxiously stressful morning, my knee decided to go out on me on jump #544. It wasn't horrible, but it was enough that I bagged the rest of the jumps as well as the lunges. It's feeling pretty much OK now, so hopefully I will be able to resume as normal tomorrow. Other than that, the workouts are going fine for me, although my thighs are ALWAYS SORE.

I'm actually kind of enjoying the diet as well. It's not too far off from how I usually eat, for the most part - but it's just forcing me to plan all my food for the day, which means that I actually have ENOUGH food and don't go hungry in the middle of the afternoon, which used to happen all the time. I'm also enjoying preparing off-the-cuff recipes (as you can probably tell from my last two blog posts). The food that we're eating does not have to be boring OR bland, and you don't need to slave in the kitchen for hours to prepare a delicious meal.

On that note, it is bedtime for me. Guten nacht.

1 comment:

  1. And it's those times you get hungry in the middle of the afternoon that you make poor food choices that catch up with you eventually.
