Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What day is it again?

Had a pretty good day today. I dropped Asa off at preschool at about 8:30, and walked to the park to do my jumps and my pull-ups. Still not able to get 4 sets of 5 (or 6, or 7) pullups in (seems like an awful lot of pullups for those of us who've never ever done a pullup before this week!), but I can do 5 or 6 on my first set, so I'm happy with that. Since I was child-free, I was able to go home and knock out the rest of my exercises right after that. It's really nice when I'm able to get everything done at the same time, even though it doesn't happen all that often. Gets the day off to a good start. After that I went to a coffee shop to do some work, and ran into my wife, of all people (who was supposed to be in school!). I find that it's much easier to get work DONE at a coffee shop than at home or at my store. In the familiar locations there are innumerable distractions, plus my lounge chair at home is just WAY too comfortable and I always end up nodding off if I'm doing boring computer work. So, note to self, need to get to the coffee shop more often. Today's meals were much more orderly as well - yesterday was a hodgepodge of random leftovers and whatever I could scrounge out of the fridge ("OK, 80g of tuna salad, that means I need another 80g of meat...50g of leftover kale, let's just eat 150g of raw string beans - that's easy").

1 comment:

  1. I am learning to be better at the PCP (making the time for the food prep/consumption and the exercise) I must become better at managing time elsewhere in my life. Seems not a moment is wasted. Kind of like when you look at life before kids and you think "I felt busy then. But now it looks so easy!" Gotta be the same phenom here. At least I'm hoping on that!
