Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Woke up "on the wrong side of the bed" this morning, feeling grumpy and a bit depressed. I've been talking with various important people in my life about how I have more of a negative than a positive outlook on life, and how I need to figure out how to become an inherently happier person. This is not as easy as it sounds. We are conditioned over the course of our lives to think in certain ways, and in my case, I seem to have been conditioned to a "glass is half empty" mindset rather than the other way around. My wife and I were talking about it last night, and she thinks I should start doing yoga/meditation. I've dabbled a little bit in it here and there, but never stuck with it even remotely seriously. So, I think I may give it a shot.

As usual, once I got out and moving, my mood improved slightly. I took Asa to the park and did my jumpropes (thankfully right before the sun started beating down on my special jump rope spot). 1000 jumps felt easy today. Not like they were super smooth or anything, but I wasn't particularly worn out after I was done (which is odd, because after yesterday's 900, my calves were super sore). Go figure. Yesterday was another "I'll do the exercises later in the day" day, and then 10pm rolled around and I was too tired, go figure. However, I happily noted that that I only had to do 1000 jumps today, so I'd just roll yesterday's exercises over to today. Not a bad plan, except that things being what they are, I ended up in the company of the kiddo while trying to do my exercises. He thought my lunges were HILAROUS, and kept trying to grab the resistance band while I did shoulder raises. Overall, I got everything done, but I'm sure I spent over 1 minute in between exercises trying to distract him with something or other.

Currently the kid is sitting on the couch watching "Bob the Builder" while I'm listening to "Everest" by Arcwelder - good workout music. Kind of a strange combination - but thankfully he doesn't seem to mind.


  1. Get that kid some sidewalk chalk and tell him what to draw while you rope! Is he old enough? Or maybe there is a sandbox so he needs a truck or shovel and pail. Maybe that will help. ;)The PCP & parenting combo can make it interesting, that's for sure!

  2. Hey, little kid, I'M TRYING TO EXERCISE HERE! Jeeze! Ha ha.

  3. It's not the rope that's the problem - we go to the park together, and he happily plays in the sandbox while I do my jumps. It's the "exercising in the middle of the living room floor" that's the issue. You know, it's kinda hard to do sit ups with a small child climbing on you.

  4. Oh, man, I hear you. In the early days of the project I saw some depression for a few reasons. I don't really feel sad anymore. What I feel mostly nowadays is exhaustion, ecstatic joy, and sometimes intense frustraion
    (which never lasts long)

    As for the negative outlook, I used to be in the same boat. Though, some of the tactics I've used are very dubious and I would not recommend for anyone with any semblence of responsibility.

    I do meditate, thought I started after I was pretty well off. Regardless, I think it's something everyone should do. I started by sitting at the end of my bed and closing my eyes for five minutes - that's really all it takes I guess.
