So I just got back from the store after buying my little scale (I had the choice between spending $7 on a lo-tech luddite version or $39.99 on a schmancy digital one - I chose the $7 option), consulted my diet, and started weighing out some of my food for tomorrow. the title of the post says...holy CRAP that's a lot of food!! Par example: my veg portion for breakfast broke down to half a zucchini, 3 good sized mushrooms and 1/3 of a bell pepper. That weighed out to 180g raw - and I'm going to cook them, so it's really going to end up being less! But seriously - that's about the amount of veggies that I'd put in a 5 or 6 egg omelet for the whole family! So this is going to be one lopsided omelet in the morning! That plus 160g of carbs?? Am I going to be able to eat all that?? I guess I'll find out in the morning!
I also bought a special container with which to take my lunch with me every day, and quickly realized that I'm going to need 2 or 3 such containers to contain the vast quantities of food that I'll be putting down every lunchtime! So, lunch is going to be 2 leftover pieces of chicken from last nights' dinner, an enourmous handful of raw string beans, and 6 (count 'em, 6) leftover falafel patties from a few days ago. I'm finding it odd that we were meant to cut our portions in half, and now that things have started in earnest, we're meant to eat twice as much as we did before!! What gives?
In other news, our trip today to the u-pick farm was a minor letdown, as there weren't really any berries to pick - at least not that we could find! We trapised around the fields looking through the underripe/overpicked raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, and after a half hour, pretty much gave up. However, there was plenty of pre-picked stuff to buy, which we did.
Spent a little over $50, which got us a half flat each of raspberries and blueberries, 3lbs of rainier cherries (which, sadly, are not nearly as good as the ones I posted about a few days ago), 3 or 4 lbs of string beans, a few lbs of yellow squash & zucchini, some pickling cucumbers, a canteloupe, a mini watermelon, and about 3 lbs of apricots. This should cover my fruit & veg intake for at least a week! That is, if my little boy doesn't scarf them all down first!

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