Monday, July 6, 2009

Day six.

Today was all over the place for me as far as PCP activity goes. I had to take my wife to school in the morning, then had the kid with me the rest of the morning, then went to pick my wife up, she dropped me off at the shop, was there until 5pm when I had an appointment, came home around 7, made dinner, put the kid to bed...oh yeah, I have to do my &!%$# jumpropes! I did my other exercises at home no problem (4 sets of 9 real push ups!), but the jumpropes...

I don't like jumping rope at night. It's harder for me to focus, and overall the exercise just seems more difficult. If I do it in the morning, I'm fresh, have more energy, and in general have a better time of it. However, as today illustrated, circumstances do not always allow for that. So, 10pm, I walked to the gym (it was a nice night for a walk) and slogged through my 350 jumps. It was not easy. I think I literally have welts on my wrist from being punished by my rope for tripping. I actually threw the thing across the room once or twice after 3 times of not making it through 5 jumps. Grrrr....

I'm still trying to decide if it's better to jump faster or slower. I've been trying to get into a fast rhythm, but tonight I seemed to do better when I slowed down a bit. Any suggestions? Also, I think all the jumping is starting to hurt my back a little bit. Hopefully that will pass.

Tomorrow we're going to a u-pick farm on Sauvie Island to pick raspberries and in general stock up on fresh fruits & veg! I'm stoked about that. It will be Asa's first u-pick experience, and judging from the enthusiasm with which he gobbles up the respberries in our back yard, I'm sure he'll have a ball.


  1. Ah, jumprope troubles. There's no secret trick man, besides not having a $2 crap-rope. It's just practice and getting your neurons to fire in a new way. Read Sean's blog for jumprope frustration brotherhood.

  2. I was trying to figure this out this morning, as I kept tripping, too! I tried to hold my arms a little wider to the side (was trying to envision the shape of the rope when it came around me; were the sides too narrow? was the rope coming at me at an angle?). I was trying to make the best "happy smile" shape with the rope. I also think my rope was affected by the patio tiles(catching on them), so at one point I moved to the front driveway and did the final 100. Maybe it's like bowling? It's all in the wrists?

  3. Hey now! I have a $2 crap-rope and it works just fine. Practice makes perfect I guess. For me, if I don't do it in the morning then I know I won't do it at all. So I have to get up early and get it done. It's so very UGH!
