Friday, August 28, 2009

PCP Brekkie/general update.

This was my PCP Brekkie this morning (although I had already eaten my 100g of carbs - Bob's Red Mill Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal has become a daily ritual). 150g "Squa'ash" (squash hash - recipe to follow). 30g sliced heirloom tomato. 2 fried eggs (use just a skosh of cooking spray). 80g flank steak (leftover from dinner the other night). The cool thing about this meal is that you can either eat it all mixed together or one thing at a time, and it's equally good.
For some reason while typing this, I just got the craving for BiBimBap (which, if you've never had, is the best thing to ever come out of Korea short of Bulgogi). It must have been the pic of the fried eggs.
Anyway, here's the deal with the Squash Hash: take 2 or 3 of your favorite summer squashes (zucchini, yellow squash, flying saucer squash, whatever) and dice them up very finely. Do the same to a medium size red pepper and half a red onion. Throw some garlic in there if you feel so inclined. Fry the mixture up with a little olive oil, until the veg has softened and is starting to brown. Season with lots of black pepper and a little salt. Voila! Great for mixing up with fried eggs.
In other news, I finally had a good workout today. Jumps were still off, as usual - but I figured out how many jumps are in a 4-minute set. I counted my last 2 sets and logged 450 and 420 respectively. That was including QUITE a few trips, so I imagine that for someone who can actually jump rope competently, it would be 500+. My problem has been that I don't have a timer, nor a watch. I want to get a watch, but I'm super fussy about what kind of watch I want...and I haven't found it yet. I should just go buy a kitchen timer, but I haven't gotten around to it. So, the upshot is I've been counting my jumps this whole time. I usually do at least 1600, sometimes up to 1800 - which it looks like is what I should be doing to equal out to the timed jumps.
I was able to complete most of the exercises today (plus I threw in bicep exercises which I had skipped yesterday because I didn't have my resistance band with me when I went to the gym), with the exception of a few pull-ups, which started to really bother my wrist after the 3rd set or so.
Anyway, it's late and I need to go to bed. Gonna make another attempt at this whole "getting up early and exercising" thing.


  1. mmmmmm that sqa' hash sounds awesome.

  2. There are two types of people in the world, those who like counting jumps and those who like timing them. And never the twain shall meet.

  3. I dunno - it doesn't really make much difference to me either way. It's just as frustrating to trip a lot whether you're counting or not. I guess the plus of counting is that you say "I did 573 jumps in a row without tripping! Boo-yaa!" Maybe if I actually had a proper timer I would enjoy the timed jumps a little more - staring at the big clock on the gym wall isn't all that much fun.
