Sunday, August 30, 2009


Yay!! We're going on vacation in 2 - count'em - 2 days!! This will be our first "extended" (i.e. longer than a single overnight) vacation in OVER THREE YEARS. Can you say "we deserve it"?? I sure can! We're not doing anything too fancy - just renting a cabin at the coast - but 3 nights away from city and work and bills and customers and business sounds pretty...damn...awesome. Add to the fact that the Oregon coast is literally one of the most beautiful places on the planet, and, well, let's just say we're pretty stoked. A big bonus is that we've made time to go to a place called Cape Perpetua, which I haven't been to in over 10 years. I've been to the coast many times since then, but the Cape is a good hour and a half south of the usual spot we go to (Cannon Beach, which is a straight shot about 2 hrs west of Portland), so we've never made it back there. However, it's one of the most inspiring, amazing, incredible places I've ever been. Maybe THE most inspiring, amazing, incredible place I've ever been. Anyway, I'm super excited to go back there - and super excited to just take some time off. I don't think our cabin has Wi-Fi, so this may be the last post for awhile. We'll be taking most of our food with the intention of making most of our meals ourselves (not many dining options in the teeny little beach town we're going to). Hopefully we'll bring enough. As usual, finding a spot to jump rope may be a challenge, but I'll figure something out.

On the jump rope tip, yesterday I had kind of an interesting experence. I put off jumping until the evening because I had too much stuff to do in the morning. As I trudged to the park with wife and kid in tow, I was totally dreading my jumps. I was tired, worn out and just did not want to do them. However, once I got going, I actually had the best jump rope sesh I've had in a long time. Sure, there were trips, but I knocked out 1800 jumps with the majority of the sets being in the 100-300 jump range. After I was done, I was definitley tired, but felt surprisingly good considering how I felt before starting!

Today I didn't have time (or food prepared) to pack a lunch, so I visited my favorite food market like I usually do. For some reason they had a "Southern Sunday Dinner" theme going, with fried chicken, buscuits, hush puppies, pork roast and collard greens. I decided to go with the least offensive option (which was still fairly offensive, on the PCP-meter, anyway), a slice of pork roast and some collards. Of course, the greens were done up "southern style" with bits of bacon and god knows what else. They felt greasy when I ate them, and now the whole meal is sitting like a goddamn lead anchor in my gut. I still have to do my jumps and workout for the day so hopefully that will make me feel a little less yucky.

Oh yeah, I posted some new pics. Look, ma, I have abs! Sort of. Furry abs. But at least we're getting there.



  2. I knew he was going to give me shit about eating pork roast.
    I think the Collards were actually worse, all greasy & bacony & stuff. Anyway, you'll be pleased to know that my belly is still paying for the transgression.

  3. i love that you keep admitting to it ;)

  4. Heh heh, maybe Jeremy's been thinking it's the Pork Consumption Project this whole time.
