Sunday, August 16, 2009

PCP Vacation

Er…a vacation FROM the PCP, that is. In the last few days, I found out exactly how hard it is to keep up with the PCP when removed from the safe, familiar confines of one’s own home. The Seattle trip was good and productive, but most PCP activity, sadly, went out the window. I did manage to do my jumps every day, and it’s not like I ate BADLY, but I didn’t exactly have egg whites and fruit for dinner. The first day, I took the train up with my bike (see last post), with the intention of riding my bike from the train station to the old house (a good 10 mile ride at least). When I got into Seattle, it started drizzling lightly. I rode my bike to the antique mall (a mile or two), browsed around for 45 min or so, got ready to leave, looked outside, and was greeted with a TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR. I hung around for a little while thinking “maybe it will stop”. It didn’t stop. So, I called my friend Kirk who I had planned on seeing, and he rescued me and my bike with his pickup truck. Here’s where things started going awry. Since I just got into town, I obviously hadn’t had time to go to the grocery store, but I was super hungry, and the plan was to go grab a bite to eat. Kirk wanted to get a beer, which I ordinarily would have been happy to indulge in…but not this time. Anyway, we ended up at the Elysian Brewery, where I had a grilled chicken sandwich and green salad. Not exactly what I was supposed to eat, but a far cry from the big sloppy burger and fries that Kirk ordered! From there, Kirk drove me back to the house, and I walked to the grocery store to procure some more PCP-friendly fare. Hot cereal for breakfast, eggs, milk, fruit, some collard greens, zucchini, and some chicken breast. I realized when I got back from the store that I had forgotten my scale…but I think I’ve gotten pretty good at eyeballing portions at this point.
The next day started out alright, I went to the park close to the house to do my jumps (had to jump on concrete – not much fun), then back to the house for a proper breakfast. Unfortunately it was pretty much all downhill from there. I managed to get about half of the day’s exercises in before the running around commenced. Snacks didn’t happen, and once again I was with a friend around dinnertime and we ended up getting Thai food. I had duck curry, and I have to admit it was one of the more satisfying meals I’ve had in a long time! Saturday was all about packing the truck, and at that point I had started running out of some of the necessary food items, and once again resorted to restaurant food – Mr. Gyros (best Gyro in Seattle)! Drove back to Portland on Saturday evening, got home a little after 10pm. My wife had made curried rice noodles with pork, which at that point I was in no position to argue with, so I ate some of that.
Today was unloading the truck day (and the first day at work for my new assistant), so things were just crazy. I ate half a lunch at home then jetted off to work, picking up some veggies and meat at my beloved Sheridan Fruit Market. Later in the afternoon I was feeling super tired, and cursed that all the coffee shops close to the store were already closed. Then I happened to look in my bag and realized that I never ate the rest of my lunch! Maybe THAT’S why I was so tired! I scarfed it down, and whaddya know, my energy returned post-haste. What with one thing and another, today ended up being another day of jumps but no exercises. Tomorrow I will get back on track, for real, as right now I'm too tired to even THINK about exercise.

1 comment:

  1. Tough week. We'll iron this out in the next few days. No jumprope only day for you this week, pull out one of the workouts you missed and get to it!
