Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My j-ropes were utter garbage today. Rubbish. Another "couldn't get through 50 jumps without tripping" deal. I was honestly surprised, because the last 2 days have been pretty good (even one day where I went to the gym to jump because the park was overrun with kiddos), and I was even in a pretty good frame of mind. Regardless, around jump #1050, I got so frustrated that I actually stopped counting. This worked OK for a little while, and I got maybe 3 sets of 50 in before I started tripping again...and I basically just said "today is not my day" and quit. That's actually the first time I've ever gotten fed up and quit before I reached my number. I then tried to make up some of my leg exercises from yesterday by doing the creep around the park, but I was so irked from my jump ropes that I couldn't even do that right...so I pretty much gave up and went home. Tomorrow is another day, yes?
I interviewed 4 people for my assistant position today. I really don't like interviewing people.


  1. I'm there with you, Jeremy. I've had so many garbage days with my J-rope, but, don't worry, the good days will come back. With me, they come and go. Whatever you do though, don't quit! Finish those jumps. Sure it might be hell, but impatience and anger can burn fat too. ;-) J-rope is our number one fat-burner. And, I've found battling through my J-ropes, despite more trips than I can count, really pays off both in body and in patience development. Think of the bad J-rope days as the ultimate PCP challenge.

    Narrator: "Will Jeremy push through and finish his J-rope reps, or will he quit when the J-rope gods are against him? Fold like a house of fat-covered cards? Don't miss our next exciting PCP episode!"

    I'm way up on Day 73, and, just last week, I had a J-rope session where I wanted to break my rope in two. Stupid Jump Rope! HULK SMASH!

    One thing that has helped me is to stretch a bit--about ten minutes--before jumping, particularly your calves and shoulders. Next time you jump, concentrate and see what muscles are failing you and give them a bit of a stretch next time to loosen them up before you start or during your J-rope reps. It may take a little more time, but it'll save you a lot of stress.

    Get Wild and Tough, Jeremy!

  2. Ah! The jump rope can try the patience of even the most easy-going man. Stick with it and you will be dominating those jumps in no time. Real talk.

  3. The thing of it is, it's not that my muscles are failing! I mean, I'm barely tired after 1500 jumps! It's just that I trip. All. The. Time. Today was a little better, but still far from great (but at least I got through them without flinging the rope in disgust). I've been trying out different shoes now and then. I think my running shoes, while they're the most supportive and comfortable, are actually the worst shoes to jump in because the rope gets caught in the treads on the bottom of the shoes! So far my favorites are an old-ass flat bottomed pair of Adidas soccer shoes that I have. Whatever works, right?

  4. Your mental state really effects the jumproping. I've had a few of those days myself. But you reach a point where even if you're having a terrible day and a dog bite on one leg you can jump like it's nothing.
