Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cross Blogging

So yesterday evening I wrote a short post called "Refund". It said this - "So I'm not going to bore you with the gritty details of why my day sucked so hard. I'm just going to say this: "I. want. a. refund."" I posted it and went to bed. The thing is, as I realized a minute ago, I was in the wrong browser, and accidentally posted it to my STORE blog ( instead of my PCP blog! Er....OOPS.
So, anyway, yesterday sucked ass in a myriad of different ways, which I'm STILL not going to get into. Today was better, but still iffy. I got most of the things done that I needed to do, the glaring exception being the majority of my PCP workout. I got up too late and only had time to do my jumps in the morning before I had to go in to work. Then this evening we staged a 3000 square foot house (loaded furniture on to truck. Drove to house. Unloaded furniture into house, up a minimum of one long flight of stairs. Moved furniture around house), after which I was pretty much completely spent. No juice left.
Tomorrow, for real, I'm going to get up when I wake up and head straight to the park.

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