Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bad PCP Day.

Today was pretty much a big FAIL as far as PCP activities go. Started out OK, with the family accompanying me to the park for my j-ropes. My wife then started on a rant about our financial situation (which is currently a bit of a downer), which kind of got me down, and threw my jumpropes completely off. It's amazing how much your mental state can effect physical things. I also did pull-ups at the park, but that's where it ended. I am, however, feeling stronger on my pull ups. I've been doing 2 sets before j-ropes and 2 sets after, and both times today I did a set of 8 followed by a set of 5. Better than a set of 6 followed by a set of 2!
Lunch was not particularly PCP-friendly either. I was out running around with my boy and decided to stop for lunch at my favorite market with the best hot-food case in the city. Unfortunately their weekend selection is not nearly as good as the weekday, and the best I could do was a shrimp quesadilla (which, in addition to shrimp and cheese, featured cherry tomatoes, rice and avocado). My intention was to share it with Asa, but he only ate a little bit, and was much more interested in the pint of blueberries I bought for him.
Evening came and went and exercises did not happen. It seems like if I cross the 9pm threshhold, the exercises just aren't gonna happen. Tomorrow I think I'm gonna try the whole roll-out-of-bed-with-a-jumprope-in-hand thing, see how that feels.

In other swell news, my fabulous assistant gave his notice today. I can't say as I blame him, as he got offered a full time job at Nordstrom making 50% more than I can afford to pay him. However, I'm more than a little bummed. So we have the stress of finding a new employee added on to the stress of possibly moving, and we're shaping up for an interesting month.


  1. Stress sucks, and you've got it coming from a variety of angles. I feel for ya, man, and I hope you hang in there and tough it out.

    I've found for myself that exercise lets me burn off any angst and helps me process my thoughts for the day (that's always a good thing, right?). And if you have a clearer mind, you can make better decisions fueled by logic (and not just emotions) and in the end that helps everyone overall. So if you can be present for the PCP for you, then you can be present for everything else in your life. I hope the morning workouts benefit you timewise, etc. I find that yea it takes a little more effort to wake up and get 'er done before getting ready for the day, and I trip a little more, but then I definitely have more pep (and Patrick says more calories burning? yes please).

    with all the hectic stuff coming up, at least you can have the constant of PCP, right? ;)

  2. Melanie's on the right track, try to shift your thinking from "I have to workout" to "At least I know one thing that will definitely happen tomorrow, my workout will be awesome!"
