If you ever see a nectarine that looks like this,
Seriously. I have never had a nectarine that looked like this, all golden red and freckly, taste like anything less than nectar of the gods. Amazing.

Now, it should be noted that my hands are pretty small. Still, these raspberries are frickin' GINORMOUS. The size of small strawberries.
This is not fruit. This is a big pile of ratatouille that I made last week. My mom used to make it all the time, but I've never made it myself. I kind of forgot about how good it is til I saw a small jar of it at Trader Joes for like $4, and thought "shit, I could make this"! I've been eating it for breakfast practically every day mixed in with my eggs (and lots of Parmesan cheese!). I put one container in the freezer, and I'm only halfway through the first one!

How to make Ratatouille:
Take an eggplant. Chop off the top. Chop it into 3/4" cubes. Put in a bowl and sprinkle with 1-2 teaspoons of salt. Stick in the fridge for 1/2 hour. Pour off the liquid that gets extracted, and rinse the salt off the eggplant. Chop up a few zucchinis or yellow squash, a few peppers (green or red or both), an onion (preferably red but whatever works) a shallot, and some muchrooms if you like. Saute the onions and shallot in a big pan for a few minutes, then add the other veg's and cook for 5 minutes or so more until browned and cooked down. Add a big can or two of diced tomatoes (depending on how tomato-ey you want it), and 1/2 a small can of tomato paste,and a few good glugs of red wine. Simmer for 15 minutes or so. Finish with a few dashes of red wine vinegar. Serve over rice, pasta, or grain of your choice. Also really good mixed in with scrambled eggs and parmesan cheese (and lots of pepper!).
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