Thursday, August 6, 2009

Life Gets In the Way (again)

So as if our lives weren't hectic and stressful enough, we have decided, rather abruptly, to move. See, we're one of those families you read about. We bought our house at the exact wrong time, about 2 years ago. It has gone down in value about 10% since we bought it. While it's a cute house, it's tiny - not nearly enough room for us to really be comfortable in. While technically we can afford the mortgage payment, if we were renting, we could have a house that was twice as big for a little more than half of what we're paying now. Also, if we kept the house, we would probably have to live in it for at least another 3-4 years before we could sell it and merely break even. So, we have decided to "let our house go", and become renters again.
Consequently, the last few days have largely been spent trolling Craigslist looking for places, and going and looking at houses. I'm kind of a house junkie, so I actually enjoy the process, but it still takes a significant amount of time...that usually I would spend at least some of exercising. However, in the last 2 days, I've only been able to do my jumpropes, and nothing else! At least I got those in, but I REALLY don't feel good about missing 2 days in a row. I'm going to get up early tomorrow and make sure to get the whole circuit in before 10AM.

Pistol squats are motherfuckers. No other word for it. It's not even so much the exercise that's hard for me (which, gon't get me wrong, is hard as hell), it's more the balance. My balance totally sucks - I can hardly do lunges without falling over. So these are practically impossible. It would help if I had a table or something that was the right height - something in between the height of a chair seat and a sofa arm! I'll probably just go to the gym tomorrow and find something there and trrryy again...

My jumps have been pretty good for the last few days, but today they SUCKED. I haven't thrown the rope for a long time, but today I flung it mightily after tripping after less than 10 jumps like 7 times in a row. I mean, COME ON. I don't know if it was because my head was preoccupied with moving stuff, or because I was wearing a different pair of shoes than I normally do, or WHAT, but it was a mess. Oh well, c'est la vie.


  1. Pistol squats are a challenge for sure. Try hold on so something, especially that pride, but two chairs work as well.

  2. I have no idea what Pistol squats are ( since we are only on day 8 ) but they sound awful, and I think you should allow yourself a moment.
    First of all, when we buy houses, there are a ton of emotional things involved..and who are we kidding, a feeling of financial security and stuff.You are making a really good decision for now and the longer term, but none the less...Allow your self a moment to acknowledge how big it is.

    All the best as you find and make your new home just that..

  3. It's funny, when I went to the gym today and actually found something to hold onto that was the proper height, I found that I could bang them out with my right leg with no problem - but my left leg was like jell-o. Which is odd, because it's my right knee that's bad, and usually that side gives me more trouble because of it.

    We're still sorting out the mess of what we're going to do with the house. It kind of depends entirely on whether we find a nice rental in the next week. We found a place we liked a few days ago, but it turns out we were too honest with the landlords and they deemed us "too risky". I guess they'd rather rent to a bunch of college kids or something.
