Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tired and Sore

2 nights ago when I did my workout, I did something horrible to my back. I have no idea what it was, but it hasn't spoken to me since. Especially odd since I wan't actually doing any back exercises! At any rate, I woke up yesterday morning with a massive knot in my lower back! It hurt like hell all day (although I did manage to ride my bike to work and back). I figured if I rested it would be better this morning, but last night it was bugging me so much that I hardly slept, just kept tossing and turning (which is kind of a chore in and of itself when your back is messed up!). Finally at 5am I took some ibuprofen, which helped a little bit - enough that I was able to get 3 hours of sleep before the 2 year old human alarm clock went off. It was still bothering me through most of today, and I was also pretty tired doe to lack of sleep. This evening we went to the Kennedy School soaking pool (the Kennedy School is an old elementary school that's been converted into a hotel with a restaraunt and several bars, a movie theater, and a big soaking pool which is basically like a giant 30-person hot tub) and that was nice and relaxing. Felt a bit better after that, but it also completely drained me of what little energy I had left. Oh, and to add insult to injury, we've had two of the most stressful money (or, rather, lack thereof) related days in recent memory. This too shall pass, but gawd, it can't pass soon enough. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel more on the mend.

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