Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jump Rope Rant #472

So I'm sure y'all are pretty tired of hearing me bitch about my jump rope issues. Well, too bad, here comes another one. You'd think that after over 2 straight months of doign something EVERY SINGLE DAY (practically) that I'd be at least a smidgen better at it than on the first day I started. Well, you'd be mostly wrong. There are still days (like today) where I can't seem to get through 20 jumps at a time without tripping. And let me tell you, 2000 jumps is a LOT of jumps when you're doing them 20 at a time!! There ARE days when things go much more smoothly, and I'm doing sets of 100, 200, 300 jumps without tripping...but those days are WAAAY too few and far between. Everyone else seems have the jump ropes totally nailed by now, but not me. Now, to add insult to injury (or, rather, to add injury to insult, I guess), my left calf muscle all of a sudden has decided that it does not like jumping one little bit. The last 2 days, I've gotten through maybe 200 jumps and my left calf starts to hurt like hell. Yesterday I was able to power though my 2000 jumps, but today I got to about 1200, I was tripping every other jump and my calf was screaming in protest, and I said "fuck it. This is not happening today". So, I don't know if I just need to rest my calf muscle, or if I need to start stretching before my jumps, or what, but something needs to change. Patrick offered that if I send him a video of me jumping he could offer a critique and see if I was doing anything wrong, but that would involve me having a video cam, which I don't. I need to get one anyway, so maybe that is the next step.


  1. Don't get frustrated man. Jumping and tripping burns as much fat as jumping straight through. You're on timed ropes, right? So what's the obsession with 2000? Also, what kind of jumprope do you have? Could you upload a picture?

    Sub in another exercise for a day or two if you can't stand the sight of the rope, and chill man, it's all good, you're looking sharp!

  2. I know that jumping and tripping burns as much fat yadda yadda. But that doesn't mean it doesn't drive me FUCKING NUTS.
    I'm not doing the timed jumps because I don't have a timer and I haven't gotten off my ass to go get one. Besides, considering how lousy at jumping I am consistently, I figure I get more jumps in when I count because that way the time I spend stomping around & growling in frustration doesn't get counted.

  3. I recommend that you work on your technique and try to jump as economical as possible by jumping only high enough to let the rope pass.
    Also check the length of your rope, maybe it is too long or too short.
    If you are looking for a good jump rope which reduces missed jumps we do it at duvide Jumpropes.
    We also have a simple timer so you can concentrate on jumping and not on counting.

  4. I was having the same problem, really tight calves during the jumps, I stretch before and during sets of 100 and it really helps. I also do this dorky zen-wannabe centering breathing for about 30 seconds when I get into a string of trips and it helps. I know it'll kill me when I shift to timed jumps, but I rarely do a set over 100. Having an ending point helps me it seem, if I say I'm going to jump "as long as I can" then that quickly becomes 50. If I say "go to 100" then I can make it there 70% of the time. Also, what helped me more than ANYTHING with not tripping was taking my shoes off. Jumping in just socks just works for me. Hope some of that helps, it is so frustrating to catch a toe when you're on a roll, I know.
