Tuesday, September 15, 2009

If it's not one thing it's three others

So today I have a cold. Not a horrible cold (Mel), just a mild sore throat, stuffy nose and (further) diminished energy. Plus I somehow threw my right shoulder out of whack. It doesn't hurt when I'm just sitting, but when I do something drastic, like, say, do dishes, or shift gears while driving my car, or pick up my son, I get a mild/medium pain that just feels like something's out of alignment. If it doesn't feel better tomorrow I'll make an appointment to see a chirporactor.

Today is our "day off", so we went and had lunch at a Mexican place (fish tacos for me - I'll have to catch up on my veg intake later) and then took Asa to the nearest park, which happened to be Mt. Tabor (incidentally, one of the only dormant volcanos in the country). We had a nice time at the playground...but now I'm ready for a nap.


  1. Rough week man keep us updated on the shoulder.

  2. Sorry to hear about the shoulder. Been there. Both of my shoulders (at different times) had pain during the PCP. You'll make it through Keep it up!
